Our Popular Courses

First Aid


This could be most important course your carers will take in the event of an emergency.  Carers will develop their ability, knowledge and confidence to deliver potentially life-saving assistance.

Equality & Diversity


Carers will explore person centred approaches to own practice and provision in order to promote inclusion, equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice. 

We will discuss the importance of valuing the protected characteristic as defined by the Equality Act 2010

Carers will consider how they support and encourage service users to develop a positive self-image and the skills to deal with discrimination.

Health & Safety


carers  will know how to provide and maintain care practices that  promote and  maintain the  health and saftey  needs of  service  users  in  their  care.  Carers will also  develop  knowledge and understabding of  relevant legislation, policies and procedures.



To develop awareness and understanding about safeguarding and increase carer confidence in their safeguarding practice.  Carers will  explore  risk and harm and review own safe caring practice in the line with the agencies policies & procedures

Food & Nutrition


A good understanding of health and nutrition is a cornerstone to successfully promoting and maintaining good health and wellbing.  Carers will be introduced concepts of health before considering nutrition and how it relates to health,  health risks  &  behaviour.

Recording & Sharing Info


Carers will examine the concept of sesitive information in relation to the Data Protection Act 2018 and their  role.  We will then develop  knowledge and  understanding of data handling.  Carers will also develop communication skills by exploring effective recording, storing and passing on of information. 

About Us

Convenient Training


We believe that training should be focused on promoting competence at no extra cost. Good training simply delivers. Our workshops expressly relates to training standards and legislation. Whether you want to hold in-person workshops or hold online training sessions, we have you covered. We can work with your and your staff on-site or virtually to ensure the best learning environment for your team.  

Highly Qualified Educators


We know that learning is easier when you have an excellent teacher. That's why our educators are highly qualified educators with in both subject knowledge and teaching status.  Our instructors are passionate about the subjects they teach and bring this enthusiasm and  expertise into their workshop  activities,  presentation & discussions.  100% pass rate guaranteed.

Wide Variety of Courses


We aim to help you achieve the improvements you are looking for. We typically deliver training and support to organisations that work with Children and Young People and vulnerable adults. We are specialists in providing workshops in social care  and educational settings.  Whether you're looking for competence training, a best practice workshop, or a an upskilling course, we can help. All of our courses are customisable for your needs to make sure you achieve what you are looking for.