Health & Safety Training

Health and safety

Complete Our Competitively Priced Course. We will come to you. You will learn with  our experienced and highly qualified tutors through a mix of  group  activitie,  presentation & discussions. 100% pass rate guaranteed.

Carers will develop their knowledge and understanding of how to deliver care safely and not to put themselves, visitors or the service users in danger. Carers will be exploring the concept of providing ‘healthy care’ and what procedures to follow in relation to medication and healthy care procedures including what consent is required.

Carers will develop an effective understanding of current health and safety laws and regulations as they apply to the care role as well as the policies and procedures of your setting. This workshop also makes specific reference to training support and development standards 3, National Minimum Standards 10 & 4.

Carers will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the health care needs of service users.  How to promote healthy lifestyles, and what to do in case of accidents or illness. Your carers will also be able to assess potential risks and understand how to manage challenging behaviour in line with the guidance provided by your setting



Files coming soon.

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Connections Training & Support