
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Equality & Diversity Training (3 hours)

Carers  will consider issues  relating to  equality, equity and fairness.   Their  legal duties in  respect  of equality, diversity  and  inclusion.  Carers will  explore  ways  to Improve outcomes  for different  service  users. 

To be successful and thrive service  users must be educated about the rights & choices they have. We will explore ways to support them in making informed decisions about their lives.  Carers will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the individual needs  and how to deliver services that recognise and build on the strengths of service  users  from all cultures, religions, gender, age, sexual orientation, ability and backgrounds; in ways that meet their needs and help them to achieve their full potential.

Carers will also explore ways to encourage service users to develop healthy  functional lifestyles that promote equality of opportunities and inclusion.  Carers will  build  upon  their  confidence  to challenge attitudes, behaviour and language that are non-inclusive and discriminatory, in a positive way.

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Connections Training & Support

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