
Therapeutic Parenting (PACE)

Complete Our Competitively Priced Course. We will come to you. You will learn with our experienced and highly qualified tutors through a mix of group activities,  presentation & discussions. 100% pass rate guarantee.

Carers will gain knowledge and understanding of how to follow PACE, a   high  nurturing methodology based on how care givers interact and bond with very young children  can  encoursge  children/young people to self-regulate.    

Carers  will  further  explore  the  link  between behaviour and  communication  in  order  to    respond  to  the  young  persons  emotional  age  using  empathy and  connection. The primary aim of PACE is to make a child feel safe so they can learn to trust. The DDP website describe PACE, which is an acronym, as follows:

Playfulness: creating an environment of lightness and interest when communicating; for example, using a light tone when telling a story and expressing fun and joy over being stern or irritated

Acceptance: showing acceptance of their child’s wishes, feelings, thoughts, urges, motives and perceptions without judging or evaluating

Curiosity: showing that they understand their child’s behaviour. Curiosity also helps parents teach their child how to understand their own behaviour

Empathy: feeling compassion and the emotions of a sad or distressed child and actively showing this so their child feels understood. Parents would offer support, comfort, love and commitment.